MERIS Images : Asia

All images courtesy of the European Space Agency


This MERIS image shows the course of the Indus River through Pakistan, spilling out sediment into the Arabian Sea. Along the coast to the west of the Indus Delta is the city of Karachi, observed in the false colour image subset. The MERIS bands were especially chosen in this image to illustrate the contrast between land and water so the individual braided channels and complexity of the delta can be observed.

This MERIS was acquired over Honshû, the largest Japanese island (top), Shikoku (centre) and part of Kyushu (lower).

Shikoku is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan and is heavily forested and mountainous; the highest peak is Mount Ishizuchi (1,982 metres/6,503 feet) located in the northwest area of the island. Between Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu is the Inland Sea, dotted with islands and connected with the Pacific Ocean (south of the islands) and the Sea of Japan or also known as the East Sea (north) by three narrow straits.