Ocean-Colour Data Binning Issues

Chairman:Dr. David Antoine
Laboratoire d' Oceanographie de Villefranche
Quai de La Darse, BP 8
06238 Villefranche sur Mer Cedex, France
Tel: 33-04-93-76-37-23
Fax: 33-04-93-76-38-73
Email: antoine@obs-vlfr.fr

Established:March 2001

The diversity of the binning schemes used by various missions and the absence of correction for bi-directional effects makes the merging of different ocean-colour data sets a difficult task. Noise is frequently introduced by using different scales and different methods of averaging pixels into bins.

The objectives of this group are to examine the time-and space-binning schemes used by various ocean-colour missions (CZCS, POLDER, OCTS, SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, GLI) and to summarize the rationale for the different approaches. The group is also assessing the consequences of having different schemes and will recommend one or more approaches that each mission should incorporate in order to facilitate the merging of data sets from different ocean-colour sensors.


D. Antoine Laboratoire d' Oceanographie de Villefranche, France
J.W. CampbellUniversity of New Hampshire, USA
R.H. EvansRSMAS, University of Miami, USA
W.W. GreggNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
A. MorelLaboratoire d' Oceanographie de Villefranche, France
C. MoulinLab. des Sciences du Climat et de l'environnement, CEA, France
H. MurakamiJAXA/EORC, Japan
J.A. YoderUniversity of Rhode Island, USA

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Final report of the Data Binning Working Group (IOCCG Report Number 4).